Social Media Post Samples

Increase your reach and solidify your online presence with custom social media posts for every occassion. We'll work with you to create a custom campaign and boost your posts for increased social media exposure. Browse our gallery of sample posts below.

The image is a portrait of a woman with long hair, smiling at the camera.
A close-up image of a person s smiling face with a dental hygiene device, featuring text that reads  SPRING CLEAN YOUR SMILE   and a graphic of tulips.

Spring Cleaning

The image is a promotional advertisement featuring a smiling woman with a yellow and blue butterfly graphic on her face. Below the woman, there s text that reads  SPRING CLEAN YOUR SMILE

Spring Cleaning

The image features a woman with a radiant smile, advertising teeth whitening services.

Teeth Whitening

The image is a side-by-side comparison of a person s teeth before and after a dental whitening treatment. The left side shows yellowed teeth, while the right side displays bright white teeth, indicating the transformation achieved through the service advertised in the image.

Teeth Whitening

The image shows a young woman with a radiant smile, holding a clear aligner up to her teeth. She is pointing to the aligner with her finger. The background is blurred but suggests an indoor setting, possibly a dental office or a room with a white wall.


The image features a person holding up a clear, heart-shaped aligner with the text  Unlock your best smile with Invisalign  overlaid on it.


The image shows a young woman seated in a dental chair, receiving dental treatment. She is being attended to by a dentist who is using a drill on her teeth. The setting appears to be a dental office, and the atmosphere suggests professional care.

Cosmetic Dentistry

An image of a woman with dark skin, smiling broadly at the camera. She has short hair and is wearing makeup. The background is plain and does not distract from her.

Cosmetic Dentistry

The image is an advertisement for a dental special offer, featuring a smiling woman with white teeth and a red ribbon around her neck, suggesting a festive or promotional occasion.

Service Highlight

The image features a split-screen comparison of a person s teeth before and after a dental treatment, with the slogan  Illuminate Your Smile  indicating the service offered by the business.

Service Highlight

A woman in a dental chair receiving treatment, with a price tag indicating a special offer.

New Patient Special

A graphic advertisement for a dental clinic, featuring a smiling woman with a positive expression and a large discount symbol.

New Patient Special

The image features a promotional graphic for a dental care package. It includes a smiling family with a father, mother, and child in the background, and there s an illustration of a dentist s office with dental equipment visible. In the foreground, there are three photos showing a happy family with a dentist and a child receiving dental care. The text  Family Dental Package  is prominently displayed at the top, indicating that the package is intended for families. Additional details like  Per Family Member You Can Come in for a 6 Month Check Up,   Services Can Include,  and  Periodic Exam,  along with the price of  99. The graphic also mentions that services can include  Cleaning,   X-Ray,  and  Bitewing.  The overall style of the image is informative and designed to attract customers for dental care services.

Family Dental Package

Family dental care package with smiling mother and daughter brushing teeth together, set against a bathroom backdrop.

Family Dental Package

The image is a promotional advertisement for a dental program, featuring two people smiling and hugging. It includes text that reads  Share the Joy of a Healthy Smile,  followed by information about the program s benefits, such as referral bonuses and exclusive discounts for new patients.

Refer a Friend

The image shows a woman sitting at a desk and smiling at the camera, with a text overlay that reads  REFER A FRIEND  SHARE THE JOY OF SPARKLING SMILES WITH YOUR EXCLUSIVE REFERRAL DISCOUNT AT THE DENTAL OFFICE. IT S A WIN-WIN FOR BRIGHTER SMILES   The website address  WWW.REALLYGREATSITE.COM  is also visible at the bottom of the image.

Refer a Friend

The image features a smiling person with their teeth showing, holding up a finger and thumb as if to emphasize the importance of dental care. A banner across the top of the image reads  USE IT OR LOSE IT   followed by text that suggests the image is part of a marketing campaign for dental benefits, indicating that the message is about maintaining dental health or facing consequences for not doing so. The text on the bottom left corner provides an additional context, stating  MAXIMIZE YOUR DENTAL BENEFITS BEFORE THE END OF THE YEAR.

Dental Benefits

The image features a graphic of an alarm clock with the phrase  Time is Ticking, So Are Your Dental Benefits  above it. Below the alarm clock is a message that reads  Take advantage of your coverage before it expires.

Dental Benefits

The image is a graphic advertisement for a summer smile makeover service, featuring text and illustrations of beach elements.

Summer Smiles

The image features a couple embracing each other, with the man on the left and the woman on the right. They are outdoors, wearing summer attire, and appear to be enjoying a sunny day at the beach. In the foreground, there is text overlaying the image that reads  This summer,  followed by a message about dental services. The style of the image suggests it is an advertisement or promotional material for a dental care service.

Summer Smiles

The image features a young girl with a bright smile, holding a notebook and standing in front of a backdrop filled with school supplies. She is wearing a red sweater vest over a white blouse, and there s text on the image promoting  Back to School,  highlighting dental care services for students.

Back to School

The image displays a young child smiling at the camera, with an adult and other children in the background seated at school desks. There is text overlaying the image promoting a  Start the School Year with a Healthy Smile  dental care service for children, emphasizing the importance of dental checkups and a healthy back-to-school routine.

Back to School

A woman in a green dress is holding a champagne flute, smiling and celebrating at a New Year s party with confetti in the background.

New Year

The image depicts a joyful celebration with people holding sparklers and smiling, against a backdrop of a festive setting.

New Year

Get Started!

The image displays a logo with the text  2021 Grow with Google  and below that, additional text reads  High Impact Partner.  It includes a badge or emblem with a checkmark and the words  Grow with Google  in a stylized font. The background is white, and there s a watermark at the bottom right corner with a partial view of a person s hands holding a tablet.

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